Monday 25 February 2008


The more I look inside myself, the more of my flaws I discover.

It is a painful process...this introspection.


Friday 15 February 2008

Intolerance !

I have noticed that I am getting increasingly intolerant.

In no particular order, here is what I simply cannot put up with any longer:

Untruth. Lies. Deceit. It used to hurt my feelings previously. I would cry and 'let it go'. Now it angers me...and I confront the concerned person. Guess what ? Its getting people to stop least to me !

The know-alls. I zone out when they open their mouths.

Unpunctuality. Whenever I have committed a time to somebody, I reach on time. If due to unavoidable circumstances, I find that I will be delayed, I communicate well in advance and then meet that commitment. I have stopped waiting for others endlessly. I wait for a reasonable period. If there is a communication about late coming, I wait till the person arrives at the newly committed hour. Else I simply leave.

People who try to shove their philosophy / way of life / credit cards / responsibility / health insurance schemes / multi-level-marketing style schemes to sell nutritional food products / ... / own self down my throat.

I've had enough. Period.


P.S. Despite what this post may lead you to believe, in reality I have a cheerful disposition and a loud throaty laugh :)

Friday 8 February 2008

Truly National Transport !

Check this out....
Name: Punjab Travels
Registration of: Rajasthan
Travelling: Ahmedabad se Pune

